Adevinta - Notice history

All systems operational

Third Party: Google Workspace → Admin Console - Operational

Third Party: Google Workspace → Calendar - Operational

Third Party: Google Workspace → Docs - Operational

Third Party: Google Workspace → Drive - Operational

Third Party: Google Workspace → Gmail - Operational

Third Party: Google Workspace → Google Calendar - Operational

Third Party: Google Workspace → Google Docs - Operational

Third Party: Slack → Slack Apps/Integrations - Operational

Third Party: Slack → Slack Calls - Operational

Third Party: Slack → Slack Connections - Operational

Third Party: Slack → Slack Link Previews - Operational

Third Party: Slack → Slack Apps/Integrations/APIs - Operational

Third Party: Slack → Slack Login/SSO - Operational

Third Party: Slack → Slack Messaging - Operational

Third Party: Slack → Slack Notifications - Operational

Third Party: Slack → Slack Posts/Files - Operational

Third Party: Slack → Slack Search - Operational

Third Party: Slack → Slack Workspace/Org Administration - Operational

Third Party: 1Password → Enterprise → Access to passwords and other items - Operational

Third Party: 1Password → Enterprise → Admin console - Operational

Third Party: 1Password → Enterprise → Command Line Interface (CLI) - Operational

Third Party: 1Password → Enterprise → 1Password Connect - Operational

Third Party: 1Password → Enterprise → Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) - Operational

Third Party: 1Password → Enterprise → Partnership API - Operational

Third Party: 1Password → Enterprise → Saving password and other items - Operational

Third Party: 1Password → Enterprise → Service Accounts - Operational

Third Party: 1Password → Enterprise → Sign in on the web - Operational

Third Party: 1Password → Enterprise → SSO (Single Sign On) - Operational

Third Party: 1Password → Enterprise → Syncing items between your devices - Operational

Third Party: 1Password → Europe → 1Password Connect - Operational

Third Party: 1Password → Europe → Access to passwords and other items - Operational

Third Party: 1Password → Europe → Admin console - Operational

Third Party: 1Password → Europe → Billing - Operational

Third Party: 1Password → Europe → Command Line Interface (CLI) - Operational

Third Party: 1Password → Europe → Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) - Operational

Third Party: 1Password → Europe → Partnership API - Operational

Third Party: 1Password → Europe → Saving password and other items - Operational

Third Party: 1Password → Europe → Service Accounts - Operational

Third Party: 1Password → Europe → Sign in on the web - Operational

Third Party: 1Password → Europe → Sign up - Operational

Third Party: 1Password → Europe → SSO (Single Sign On) - Operational

Third Party: 1Password → Europe → Syncing items between your devices - Operational

Third Party: Monday → EU → API - Operational

Third Party: Monday → EU → Automations - Operational

Third Party: Monday → EU → Billing - Operational

Third Party: Monday → EU → Communication - Operational

Third Party: Monday → EU → Dashboards - Operational

Third Party: Monday → EU → Files - Operational

Third Party: Monday → EU → Integrations - Operational

Third Party: Monday → EU → Login / SSO - Operational

Third Party: Monday → EU → monday Apps Framework - Operational

Third Party: Monday → EU → monday workdocs - Operational

Third Party: Monday → EU → Other Functionalities - Operational

Third Party: Monday → EU → Platform - Operational

Third Party: Monday → EU → Search - Operational

Third Party: Monday → Support - Operational

Third Party: Notion → Notion Application - Operational

Third Party: Notion → Notion API - Operational

OnDMARC - Operational


Group Management - Operational

100% - uptime
Oct 1959 · 100.0%Nov · 100.0%Dec · 100.0%
Oct 1959
Nov 1959
Dec 1959

Notice history

Dec 1959

No notices reported this month

Nov 1959

No notices reported this month

Oct 1959

No notices reported this month

Oct 1959 to Dec 1959
